University Roma Tre hosted the Final International Conference of the InCLIMATE Project on Tuesday 15th November 2022. The conference, which was held in the city of Rome, brought together the project partners, students and stakeholders. The InCLIMATE final conference aimed at disseminating the project’s educational methods, tools and results, discussing them with Italian and international experts and laying the basis for a wider dissemination of the InCLIMATE outputs.

The conference was the main multiplier event of the project, aimed at sharing the project’s educational methods, approaches and results with national and international experts, discussing environmental sustainability in urban areas and related job opportunities and educational needs across Europe.
Participants to this event included EU representatives, the partners’ networks, other HEIs, professionals and representatives of the business world and of the public administration sector, who contribute to further disseminate project outputs and results.
The final conference proceedings collect abstracts of all the papers that were presented during the final conference. The publication also serves to present the project results and as guidelines for the integration between climate change adaption and planning of urban and regional resilience strategies, and for the mainstreaming of climate resilience issues in HE teaching practices and curricula.

The proceedings are available for download here.