The InCLIMATE Lecturers Training Workshop was organised by Oxford Brookes University (OBU) between the 23rd and 26th March 2021. The training event consisted in a virtual workshop addressed to lecturers, researchers, or trainers from the project partner organisations which are responsible for the development and dissemination of research programmes and capacity building activities with a focus on issues connected to climate resilience planning.

The workshop was based on the use of a tool (the concept map) that is adaptable to specific educational and research needs. The activity addressed to lecturers/trainers was a preliminary step for:
- transmitting the necessary information about the functioning of the tool and its multiple potentials for teaching climate change resilience and adaptation,
- implementing a specific educational program around a theme that will provide the contents for the elaboration of the concept maps themselves.
The overall objective of the workshop was to contribute, with an experimental approach, to the elaboration and transfer of a systematic and operational framework on climate resilience issues. The activities organised within the framework of C1 allowed participants to share knowledge concerning climate change and urban resilience. The adopted approach and use of pre-ordinated cognitive structure (POCS) were beneficial to stimulate interdisciplinary discourse, activating knowledge integration and exchange.

In conclusion, the C1 workshop provided training to a group of lecturers in using the Cognitive Mapping Techniques and the POCS. In additional, a set of individual and collaborative exercises were implemented, providing the basis for developing local teaching activities and the C2 course for students.